larry shaw


Toccoa, GA

United States

Profile Information:

Name or Alias? (Please no business names)
What kind of car, truck motorcycle or vehicle?
1936 chevy
What are your main interests?
anything automotive, , guitars, ,art,,photography, ......

Comment Wall:

  • Global Wheels Events

    Welcome Larry!
    I am glad to be back in touch. I really enjoyed hanging our with you at World of Wheels. I hear from Scotty that you have done some more work on the Ford. Maybe I will see it Saturday?
    Well, we are so pleased to have you on board on the new site. We are looking forward to more photos and videos of your favorite vehicles. I know you don't spend much time on the computer but, please consider contributing articles to our Blog list and discussions on the Forum. One of my favorite Blog topics is "Cars I Wish I Could Have Kept".
    Mike T.
  • Global Wheels Events

    Let's pray for NO RAIN on Saturday :-)
  • Miguel Caparros

    Gee Larry. Thanks for associating with us rift raft. You might get banned from our old site.
  • Mike Daly Sr

    Hey Larry/Staci - Thanks for the update on Nellie Belle. I plan on being at Social Circle Saturday & ditto on weather permitting!!! Stinger
  • Martin Matthews

    Check out my comment for moe on his page
  • Miguel Caparros

    I have been giving some thought to the Willys Project you have had in mind. One of the ways to set your build appart from others is to do a unique build, Granted any car from that era would almost be sacrilege ro cut up. I have on several occasions thought of a much more mafern car that has the right look and are available inexpensively. The Volvo PV 444 and 544 were built from the early 50's to 1968. With some customising the front can be made to look like a Williys. Here is some one elses project.
    This angle shows the neat lines from the rear.
    The nesxt one is cjpped and I can see how perfectly the Willys grill would go with the front end.
    What about Lambo style Suicide doors? Starting out with a good metal body would permit the integration of front and rear chassis clips. Just some random thoughts.
  • jim (MOPAR JIM )nelson

    Yes I'm driving a new Camero with cold AC, just to look and take pictures. Should I look for you? I wanted to tell you I found you picture reciving the trophy at Don't cha wish it was spring. It is page 5 of that album.
  • Richard Scott

    Larry i will be going to the summer bash staurday after all. will be there at 10:30 or 11:00 and staying until 5:00 hope to see there
  • jim (MOPAR JIM )nelson

    Wanted to make sure you know about the cruise in each Friday at 6 to 9 at Sonic in Franklin, since your close. They had over 30 or 40 last time I went. How is the new car progressing?
  • jim (MOPAR JIM )nelson

    If you get up early Sunday and want to cruise 50 miles. Avenue at Cobb ( 2 lights east of Johnson Ferry on Roswell Rd in East Cobb) usually has 3 to 400 cars. 8 to 11. Let me know if you if you want to come and I'll look for you. Jim 404 966 0698 cell
  • Tommy Morris

    Okay Larry, if you decide not to come just send Walter with the car.
  • tracy h. stephens

    Hey Larry. I made it to the big time now. invite me in!!!!!!
  • Bob Cheek


    Yeah, we are planning on going.  Are you going?  Are you showing?   Shoot me your email address, mine is



  • Rodney Wallin

    You can pre-register at for $20.00 but it is a benefit
  • Michael Thies

  • Michael Thies

    Cool paint, but I don't like the checkerboard trip. M.
  • Mike & Beverly Raznoff

    Hi, Larry.  I know what you mean about the blocked off streets!  Luckily, my son knew some back roads!  We ate at the resturant and then took the Charger back to his house before we went to watch the fireworks.  Absolutely.  Rain check any time.
  • Mike & Beverly Raznoff

    Hi, Larry.  Did you get your bushings?  Hopefully we'll see you tomorrow.  The new radiator has made all the difference in the Charger.
  • Rodney Wallin

    thanks are you showing today at the tavern