Lee Gosney


Snellville, GA

United States

Profile Information:

Name or Alias? (Please no business names)
Lee Gosney
What kind of car, truck motorcycle or vehicle?
1999 Ford E-150 Van, 2009 Kawasaki 1500 Vulcan 72,000 miles
What are your main interests?
Jesus, Mustangs and Motorcysles

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  • john schultz

    Thanks. I put a description and location in when I made the album. Are they not showing up?

  • john schultz

    Thanks. I put a description and location in when I made the album. Are they not showing up???

  • Bob Fixesit

     I'm in Tampa.

    Just joined. asking advice...not for my profile pic...How do I post my own car pic next to my EVENT instead of the tiny pic (supplied by the site) of a car that I don't own?

    Thanks in advance.-Bob