I am a firefighter for GCFD and we are having a car, truck and bike show fundraiser. We have scheduled it for March 24th, 2012 but want to make sure there is nothing big going on that weekend and also any tips would be appreciated. We will also be having firetrucks from neighboring departments on display. We hope to make this a big annual event. Thanks!! Amy

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Dear Amy,

I truly appreciate your efforts to plan and prepare for your car show!  There are numerous persons on this website that could give you good advice and insight into the trials and rewards of putting on car shows.  Car and bike shows as a benefit for a community organization or charity is a great way to get started.  Picking a good date early and trying to stay out of the  way of established and large shows is also wise. That is good thinking.  As a rule, unless it is a huge show within a hundred plus miles, most big shows have only a minor impact on the smaller local events.  Several community events in close proximity and bad weather are the real enemies of success.

I think inviting the fire trucks from neighboring departments is a great idea. Are you planning to provide awards for them on some competitive level? That can be good approach, too.  Some operators think that participant voting is an easy way to avoid having to supply competent judges. This in my opinion, is a mistake.  Participants most often see through this and do not respect the value of the event.  Good judges are not that hard to find with a little planning.

I am sending this out to the other members and let us se if they have other suggestions to help.  

Mike Thies


Hey Mike thanks for your input! We are planning on  having awards for dept participation. As far as judging goes, we thought it would be neat to have local fire chiefs do the judging. Granted it wouldnt be a full scale judging but we arent shooting for this to be a full car show competition. We have researched other events around that time and there doesnt seem to be anything going on that day. Thanks again and any more advice you may have is greatly appreciated!!

Looks like you are starting early enough!



 What is the location? I schedule the meetings for our Hudson Club.  I think we already have a meet for the next weekend; but I can pass the info on to the group as well as the orphan car group.



Hi Nan! It is Garden City Georgia. Our city borders Savannah and our new city hall is a beautiful place to hold events and this car show is sure to be a success!! You can see more about us at WWW.GARDENCITYGA.ORG  You can also find our Dept on facebook at Garden City Fire Dept

Great! I will pass it along to the Dogwood chapter as well then!

Hey Nancy,

I would like to talk to you concerning an event I'm planning for in Sept. 2012. If at all possible could you give me a call.


William Reidling


Advertise, Advertise, Advertise......  Flyers, This site, Local newspaper,  even TV (for the charity event, maybe free)

I have to disagree a little with the comment about big shows/events not affecting local attendance,  see how many rods are around during the April Charlotte Auto Fair,  or....  well, look, there are always events that affect certain classes or cars and not others... (even watch out for Bike week in Daytona in the Spring), so that being said,  ....    Contact First Timers that failed this yr...  Contact successful shows....  contact a group called SEeventsdotcom for more info....  Don't buy standard $5.00 trophy, have the firefighters "make" special trophies using FFstuff.... neat and special trophies carry weight...   Who judges ? it doesn't really matter, it'll turn out to be a popularity contest anyway... !    

There are several "Garden City Fire Departments"   which one is yours ?  that would help...

Hi,We just did a toys for tots car truck bike show, here in Murrelles Inlet Nov.5th,We had little over 100 cars.Get on the internet to check for shows in the area,you put your self all over the internet,contact radio, like Mr,Lester said,news paper ,tv let them know what you have going on. Its a lot of work, get your fliers out there.,

We had home made trophies, out of parts or what ever,and kids were our judges[it's toys for tots] We had stuff to raffle off.

Hope you have a great turn out!                    


Kids are often pretty good judges. Just let them know them cleanliness counts big time and emphasize the all entered cars/bikes need to be judges for benefit shows.  Give them a well designed, simple judging sheet. We have some here if you want them.

It is still much better that a peer participant vote which will keep some folks away.


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