Hi. I am a US Vet. I am new to having an older model car. I want to learn new ways of changing things and fixing it up. I would someday like to enter car shows. That would be cool. I am coming to the Motorama Auction to check out vendors. I just would like to know how much it will cost for me and my family to come down for a day. Can anyone help me out??? Thanks.

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If you are new to the hobby go to a show and meet the others that enjoy your love, Many of those out there do much of their own work, others turn to Pro's when it is something beyond their abilities. There are many ways to learn and get things done. Some of us would be glad to help you.
It's an expensuve hobby.
Scott It does not have to be an expensive hobby. You can start with your daily driver. Cleaning and detailing just takes elbow grease. You will be surprised how cleaning a car thoroughly can make a huge difference in how you and others feel about your cars. Detailing, weather it is a million dollar show car or your minivan is the key to a unique vehicle.

Scott munczenski said:
It's an expensuve hobby.
I know every car I have ever owned has cost me lots of money. Most people never care for a car at all. I never buy a later model used because of that. I can even count how much I have spent over the years.
Hey Chris,
Depending on what you want to do but hydro imaging seems the way to go. Check out that new company in Atlanta.
Thanks, Jeff what is hydro imaging and I have been getting lots of feed back from people on this site so I just want to say thank you to you and all the others that have contacted me

Jeff Hillard said:
Hey Chris,
Depending on what you want to do but hydro imaging seems the way to go. Check out that new company in Atlanta.
Your Welcome Chris,
Hydro Imaging is the transfer of ink patterns to an object through the submersion of the object into a hydrostatic tank. Look at the "Sponsors Vendors" tab on this site and you can see it for yourself. Good Luck.
I think the Hydro Imaging is phenomenal. I am doing to do it to my wheels to upgrade them without having to spend anywhere near the money it would cost me to replace them! There are many things we can do to upgrade our cars without spending too much if we are careful and help each other. We should set up a community service effort to each
help others in turn for help we each need.
I agree with Scotty. Don't wait too long, just enter it as a "work in progress". We could encourage more shows to set up such a class.
Thanks Michael,
We are getting a good response from the car shows we attended this week end. We made Rod Run in Pigeon Forge, We also visited the show at Audio Wizards (good turn out) and Red Sky on Sunday. Is that red Porsche your car? If so I want to tell you I LOVE that thing!!!! We will be at the show at the Home Depot in Buford this Saturday. Hope to see you there.

Michael Thies said:
I think the Hydro Imaging is phenomenal. I am doing to do it to my wheels to upgrade them without having to spend anywhere near the money it would cost me to replace them! There are many things we can do to upgrade our cars without spending too much if we are careful and help each other. We should set up a community service effort to each
help others in turn for help we each need.
Yes, Jeff, that is Little Red! We have been together a long time. I am told the chrome dip is real cool and looks just like chrome. I would seriously consider that for my wheels. What do you think?


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